Sunday, January 16, 2011

Do What You Wish EOTD

This is the first of a (probably very extensive) new line of theme EOTDs. I happen to be very excited about these because they're all based around The Neverending Story (the book, not the movie). I've got a lot of ideas and I recommend the book because it's awesome. But get the hardback version with the colored ink. That's the best way to go.
Anyway, this is look is inspired by Bastian and The Childlike Empress' first meeting; "The beginning is always dark"
I'll give you a heads up here. If you haven't read the book, there will probably be a lot of EOTDs that just don't make as much sense. Some are more or less explained by the movie, if you've seen that. But either way, pretty makeup colors right? Enjoy!
Here's what I used (check my New Year's post for the explanation behind this weird numbering system I've worked out):
1. Broken Glass - Detrivore
2. Immortality - Fyrinnae
3. Dinosaur Plushie - Fyrinnae
4. N/A
5. Immortality - Fyrinnae
6. NYC Black Eye Pencil
7. Golden Fair matte base - Everyday Minerals

And here's where I tried and mostly failed to capture the immenseness of sparkle. As always, click on the pictures for more detail!

And some sparklier shots with flash!

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